Library Participation

How Your Library Can Make a Difference

When you get involved in Library Giving Day, your library can have a lasting impact on the success and growth of #LibraryGivingDay. Below are steps that you can take to get started.

1. Join the Movement

Your library can bring us closer to our goal of a national day of giving for public libraries. Learn more.

2. Download the fundraising Playbook

The Playbook will provide you with all the resources you need to get started. Learn more.

3. Start Planning Your Campaign

Plan ahead to make your #LibraryGivingDay campaign a huge success. Learn more.

4. Connect with Other Libraries

Reach out to public library colleagues to learn what others are doing. Learn more.

Join the #LibraryGivingDay Movement

Join the movement and get involved in Library Giving Day. When you do, your library will be part of a growing list of public libraries committed to making #LibraryGivingDay a nationwide success.

By submitting this form, you agree to share #LibraryGivingDay campaign results for your library organization. We can all benefit from learning about the collective impact of the campaign.

* Denotes a required field.

#LibraryGivingDay Campaign Tools

Your library’s participation is the most important part of making this movement a success. We have put together a number of campaign tools designed to provide you with the resources you need to get started. Take a look and start planning your #LibraryGivingDay campaign today.

Start Planning Your Campaign

Before you know it, #LibraryGivingDay will be right around the corner. Will you be ready?

We’ve provided some resources to help you stay organized and make this campaign a success, including the #LibraryGivingDay Playbook.

But, some extra campaign planning assistance can go a long way. The good news is, Library Giving Day is brought to you in part by Carl Bloom Associates, our strategic public library fundraising partner, with expertise in helping public libraries fundraise smarter. See what’s possible with another set of hands.

Library Giving Day Campaign Planning
Library Giving Day Find Libraries

Connect with Other Libraries

Check out the libraries that are participating in this year’s #LibraryGivingDay and be sure to join the movement!

Library Giving Day logo

Together, we can make it a success!